Shanghai Jiao Tong University School , help you dream!

Shanghai, the first network of young people to carry out the opening ...

In December 24, 2016, the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Shanghai municipal network information office jointly organized held the first student commencement ceremony. ...

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The first IEEE-CPS networking technology and data security conference...

October 30, 2016, the first IEEE-CPS networking technology and data security conference and energy network security technology research center was established in Beijing "Chinese Hall of science and technology...

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President Li Jianhua visits Chinese University Hong Kong with a school delegation...

  • May 10, 2016
  • 5

In June 20, 2016, President Zhang Jie rate delegation to visit Chinese University Hong Kong, Jiaotong University professor. Shen Zuyao, President of Chinese University Hong Kong and the professors in ...

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